Saturday, December 12, 2009

Winter in Chicago

Unsere Lieben
Langsam aber sicher wird es so richtig Winter hier. Temparaturen von minus 15 Grad sind keine Seltenheit. Dazu kommt der bekannte Wind in Chicago. Kein Wunder nennt man es die "Windy City". Es ist manchmal schwierig, Cale richtig zu kleiden. Innen sollte er nicht zuviel anhaben, draussen heisst es Muetze auf, Handschuhe, Dicker Pulli und eine Winterjacke. Wir geniessen die Zeit hier aber sehr. Trotz der Kaelte war es bisher meistens schoen sonnig draussen. Diese Woche hat es zum ersten mal so richtig geschneit, und bei der Kaelte bleibt der Schnee natuerlich liegen.

Ueber Thanksgiving waren wir fuer 3 Tage in downtown Chicago. Eine sehr schoene Stadt. Es war eine Mini-Vacation fuer uns, die wir sehr genossen haben. Jetzt freuen wir uns auf unsere erste Reise nach Florida. Wir sind gespannt, wie Cale seinen ersten Flug meistern wird. Mommy und Daddy haben genug Flugerfahrung, ich denke er wird fliegen vom ersten Moment an lieben. Daddy kann kaum warten, Ihn in einen Flug mit der Connie mitzunehmen.

Much Love, MC2

Wintertime in Chicagoland

It's getting cold here.. I guess that is what everybody meant with the Chicago Winter.. last week it was below zero degrees Fahrenheit, so around -15 Celsius, and then there is the wind... fun! Especially a challenge to dress Cale properly for this kind of weather. Inside is is nice and cozy warm, so he can't be too hot, and outside it is freezing. So alone for the short trip from the car to the mall he needs to wear his hat, gloves and winter outfit. Mommy is doing a really good job with that. Anyway, despite the cold we are enjoying the Holiday season and are looking forward to our trip to Florida.

Over Thanksgiving, we spent 3 days and 2 nights downtown Chicago. It was a wonderful mini-vacation for the 3 of us.

Love, MC2

Monday, November 30, 2009

Danma's visit to Chicago

Danma and Danpa (Cale's grandparents...if you were wondering, his cousin Josh named them :-) came to Chicago for the weekend of Nov 13-15 and Danma stayed a few days longer to hang out with Mommy and Cale while Daddy flew to LA for business.

Before Daddy left, he and Mommy had their second date night while Danma babysat Cale. Cale was an angel for Danma and had a little too much fun in his new swing while she was trying to get him to fall asleep.

Just chillin' out...

Tummy time with Danma

Kicking around on his playmat

Cale can't get enough of this live entertainment!

Mr.Smiley in his bog boy chair

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Walk in the Park


Impressionen von Cale:

a) Eingewickelt im Tigger Badetuch nach seinem abendlichen Bad
b) Cale playing the "foot piano"
c) Piano close up - Cale in action
d) Ready to go, all strapped in.
e) smiling..
f) Ready for Sepp Blatter

Our new home - Unser neues ZuHause

Ein paar Bilder von unserer neuen Neighborhood:

a) Unser Townouse mit 2-car garage
b) Briekfasten (very exciting)
c) Unsere Strasse
d) Little boxes on the hillside.. little boxes..

Our long drive - Die lange Fahrt

Leider haben wir nicht soviele Bilder von unserer Fahrt nach Chicago. Unfortunately there are not that many pictures from our drive.

These pictures are:

a) Hotelzimmer
b) Late night feeding by Daddy
c) Mommy and Cale in the car
b) Zwischenstopp irgendwo in Ohio

Endlich news von Cale

Wir koennen es kaum glauben, dass ein Monat vergangen ist seit dem letzten Update des Blogs. Es ist seither einiges passiert:

- Wir haben NY definitiv verlassen und sind nach Chicago gezogen, nach Hawthorn Woods um genau zu sein
- Cale ist beinahe 3 Monate alt und waechst und waechst
- Unser neues Heim ist mehr oder weniger eingerichtet (nur noch Bilder aufhaengen) und wir koennen kaum glauben, wieviel Platz wir hier haben im Vergleich zu NY
- Wir haben ein zweites Auto gekauft, einen VW GTI. Das ist nun Daddy's Spielzeug waehrend Mommy mit dem touareg unerwegs ist
- Cale lacht jetzt viel und geniesst es, in seiner Playmat zu liegen und zu spielen. Er hat ein "Fussklavier" bei dem er mit den fuessen stampfend Musik machen kann. Er liebt es auch, Sachen zu greifen, wie zum Beispiel Daddy's Brusthaare
- Er schlaeft jetzt auch etwas laenger in der Nacht, wofuer vor allem Mommy natuerlich sehr dankbar ist
- Cale hat jetzt auch sein eigenes Zimmer mit seinem eigenen Bett. Mommy hat das Zimmer sehr schoen dekoriert. Cale schlaeft jetzt auch in seinem Zimmer.

Love, MC2

Finally new post

I can't believe it's been a month since our last post here. Very sorry for the delay. Lots has happened since October 22:

- We left NY and moved to Chicago, or to Hawthorn Woods to be exact
- Cale has grown like a weed and is now almost 3 months old
- We got unpacked and organized in our new townhouse and we still can't believe how much space we have here
- We bought a second car, a VW GTI, which now is daddy's commuter car. Mommy and Cale are driving the Touareg for their daily trips
- Cale is smiling a lot now, and he discovered his hands, loves to grab stuff, like daddy's chest hair for example.
- He is also sleeping more, or at least a longer stretch during the night
- Cale has his own room, with his own big boy bed and beautiful decoration that mommy made. He is also now sleeping in his room
- The weather in Chicago has so far been surprisingly nice and warm. We are enjoying going for walks on the weekend and explore our neighborhood. Daddy was even able to spend some time on his bike on the weekends.

I will post a variety of pictures in the next post

Love, MC2

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moving in with Danma and Danpa!

After the movers came and picked up all our belongings last Wednesday, we moved in with Danma and Danpa for the week. 4 adults, 2 cats and one baby in a 2 bedroom apartment made for an interesting week! Cale had lots of fun with Danma, and Danma made Mommy relax and do a few things for herself. Daddy was working in Chicago and setting up the new apartment (our furniture arrived on Monday) and Dan was traveling in Toronto.

Despite having his first cold, Cale was fully of gummy ear-to-ear smiles and little coos this week. He loves playing with his Danma and has also became an avid admirer of art. Whenever he is upset, Danma takes Cale into Danpa's office (where his desk has been converted into a changing table) and Cale immediately calms while staring at a colorful painting on the wall.

Cale loves playing on his playmat and staring at the mobile on his pram. He has also discovered his hand and enjoys stuffing the whole thing in his mouth and sucking away. He also likes getting fresh air (or, the closest thing to fresh in NYC ;-) so we went for long walks on the Long Island City waterfront everyday.

Cale had his first babysitting experiences this week...Danma spent time with Cale while Mommy had lunch with friends and went to yoga. Mommy and Daddy even had their first date night on Saturday! Next stop...Chicago! We leave tomorrow for a 14 hour drive from New York to Chicago. Wish us luck (calm cats and happy baby)!