Monday, September 28, 2009

Swiss Grosi Eva visiting

Swiss Grosi Eva, Uncle Markus and Auntie Evelyne arrived yesterday to visit mommy, daddy and of course Cale. Cale enjoyed meeting his Grosi. and we are all looking forward to spending 2 nice weeks together.

Other news: Cale is not 10lbs 4oz. He is gaining weight and we can see it in his cheeks, arms and legs. he seems to have a bit of trouble digesting his food once in a while, but as long as he gains weight we do not have to be worried.

Cale also got to play in his playmat fof the first time. He had to fight our cats Neo and Pink, as they both also liked the mat and wanted to play in it.

We (actually Cale) also keep receiving gifts from friends and family - Thank you all so much.
Seit gestern ist Cale's Swiss Grosi Eva, sein Onkel Markus und Tanti Evelyne auf Besuch. Das gefaellt Cale natuerlich.

Cale wiegt nun ca 4.6kg und nimmt staendig an Gewicht zu, was ein sehr gutes Zeichen ist. Man sieht es ihm langsam an. Auch hat er diese Woche das erste mal in seiner Playmat gespielt. Er musste zuerst Pink und Neo vertreiben, da unsere 2 Katzensehr gerne darin spielen..

Auch erhalten wir immer wieder Geschenke von Freunden und Familie - Danke Euch allen ganz herzlich.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cale's first bath

Cale had a fairly lazy day doing the usual...sleeping, eating, enjoying a few minutes in his bouncy chair and complaining a little (life is tough when you're 19 days old!). Neo got sneaky and also managed to spend some time in the bouncy chair. Pink sat in the glider and snuggled with Mommy and Cale while Cale ate lunch. These cats are experts at reminding us who the real babies are!

Cale cooperated with the camera so that he could show you a few of his million and one facial expressions. He also left the sponge bath behind and moved on to his fancy bath tub today! He liked the warm water but ended his bath quickly when he realised it was dinner time, not bath time (Mommy and Danma don't quite have their priorities straight). Danma was a big help with bathing Cale, doing laundry, feeding Neo and Pink and making dinner for Mommy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday at the park

Heute machte Cale seinen ersten Ausflug. Es war ein wunderschoener Tag, so beschlossen wir, ein kleines Autofaehrtchen zu machen und im Prospect Park in Brooklyn einen Spaziergang zu machen. Cale faehrt gerne Auto und hat den Ausflug sehr genossen. Es gab auch einige Premieren.. Cale war zum ersten Mal im BabyBjoern.. fuer unkundige: der Babybjoern ist der Baby Carrier, den Papa und Mama sich anschnallen koennen.Im Moment sizt Cale noch mit dem Gesicht gegen Papa, sobald er gross genug ist, koenne wir ihn umdrehen, dann kann er nach vorne schauen. Anyway, auch hatten wir heute den ersten Pitstop im Freien (siehe Foto), und Mami hat Cale das erste Mal im Freien gefuettert. Alles hat wunderbar geklappt und wir hatten ein paar sehr schoene Stunden im Park.

We decided to get out for a few hours and took a ride down to Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Great opportunity to use the BabyBjoern, one of he gifts we received from the registry. Daddy has been very excited to use the BabyBjoern, and he was not disappointed. Cale liked it, too, and slept peacefully. It was also the day of his first diaper change in public - he liked the fresh air on his bum.. and his first feeding session in public. Well done mommy and Cale.. Love, M&C

Saturday, September 19, 2009

more pictures

Week in recap

It's been a while since our last post. The week just flew by and daddy was in Chicago from Tuesday to Thursday, so there was no time to write a post each day. We have decided to give you a short recap of Cale's week. The pictures were taken during the week. German post to follow.

Auntie DoDo visiting again
Trudy came back for an extended visit on Monday, and stayed until Wednesday. She was a great help for Mommy, helped Daddy cook dinner and spent time with Cale.

Auntie Corina visited
Our friend Corina came by for a visit, before she returned back to Zurich

Danma stayed over
While daddy was gone, Danma stayed over with mommy one night and took care of Cale, so mommy could get a bit more sleep

Bouncy chair
Cale discovered his new bouncy chair. The chair bounces, vibrates and has lots of fancy lights, sounds and other gimmicks he can play around with. He really seems to like the vibration of the chair.

Umbilical cord
On Saturday, Cale became a real man. The stub of his umbilical cord fell off and he is now looking forward to his first real bath in his new bathtub. We also started using the BumGenius cloth diapers instead of the disposable ones... let's see how that goes.

Cale is growing.. his weight is now 9lbs and 6oz

On Friday, mommy and daddy took Cale for a photoshoot with Eddie. We will post pictures soon. It was a pretty difficult shoot, Cale did not like the attention he got. We tried the shoot without diapers, with the result that both mommy and daddy got peed on, and various blankets had an urgent need for laundry when we got back home.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Exciting Saturday for Cale

Cale had some visitors today. Shalini and Somya came by for a quick visit and brought him a little book. Daddy has already been reading it to him. After the visit, mommy and daddy took him out into the streets of Long Island City for a stroll around the neighborhood.

Cale hatte Besuch heute, Unsere Freunde Shalini und Somya kamen kurz vorbeiund machten Bekanntschaft mit ihm. Sie brachten ihm ein Buechlein mit schwarz-weissen Kontrastbildern. Papi hat ihm schon daraus "vorgelesen". Danach gingen Mommy und Daddy auf einen kleinen Spaziergang mit Cale. Ihm gefallen die Strassen von Long Island City.

Diaper Stats - Windel Statistik

Cale at home: 7 days
Diapers used: 80

Average diaper usage per day: 11.43


Cale ist zu Hause seit 7 Tagen
Windeln gebraucht: 80

Durschnittlicher Windelverbrauch pro Tag: 11.43

Nice Job Cale!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Auntie Dodo visiting

Exciting day for our little Cale today. Auntie Dodo (Michelle's friend Trudy) was visiting us today for a few hours and was an amazing help, making food for mommy and daddy, folding laundry and taking care of Cale. She also brought him a whole bag of clothes from Auntie Cyndi.. very useful, as he he is spitting up his milk in regular intervals after feeding. Daddy is happy about it, he can now do laundry every single day. Cale's hamper just keeps filling up, and so does the bag with used diapers. All in all, a very healthy baby.

Heute hatte der kleine Cale Besuch von Tante Trudy. Sie verbrachte ein paar Stunden mit Cale und Michelle und hat uns mega ausgeholfen, Mittagessen fuer Daddy gemacht und Cale's Kleider gefaltet. Sonst geht es Cale gut, er isst und isst und waechst und waechst. Daddy ist froh ist Weekend, so kann er etwas mehr Zeit mit Cale verbringen. Er war diese Woche in New York, aber musste von Dienstag bis Freitag arbeiten.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cale is gaining weight

Hello everybody.. it's been a few days since the last post.. so much for writing daily.
A lot has happened in Cale's life since Sunday.. He had his first doctor's visit today. The good news - he is in great shape and is gaining weight. At birth he was 7lbs 7oz (3.49kg), when we left the hospital his weight dropped to 6lbs 14oz (2.78kg), and today he is 8lbs 2oz (3.71kg). He really didn't like the visit though and was complaining loudly. Daddy was outside on a conference call, and everybody on the line commented on Cale's noises. Oh well, who likes doctor visits anyway.

Huete musste Cale wieder auf die Waage. Er wiegt nun stolze 3.71kg, nachdem sein Gewicht von 3.49kg auf 2.78kg gefallen ist zwischen Geburt und Verlassen des Spitals. Wieder mal ein schlechtes Feedback fuer Spitalessen :-)! Sonst geht es Cale sehr gut. Er geniesst es, viel zu schlafen, zu essen und das ganze wieder unten (und oben) rauszulassen. wie schoen ist doch ein Babyleben.

Liebe Gruesse von Mommy, Daddy und Cale

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cale ist zu Hause - Cale is at home

Today was a big day for Cale. He left the hospital, took an enjoyable car ride through Manhattan to Long Island City, and met his brother and sister, the cats Neo and Pink. He didn't like sitting in the car seat, but once in the car, he seemed to enjoy the vibrations and the motion. Michelle on the other hand was a real trooper, sitting through the bumpy ride home, thanks to the wonderful quality of NY streets. We spent a quiet and very enjoyable afternoon at home with a visit of Grandma and Danpa, toasting to our new arrival with a great bottle of Champagne. Cale had at least 2 glasses.. Pictures will follow tomorrow. Daddy is tired.

Heute war ein grosser Tag fuer Cale. Er durfte das Spital verlassen, unternahm einen kleinen Sightseeing Trip durch Manhattan und erkundete schlussendlich sein neues Zuhause mit seinem neuen Bruder und Schwester, Pink und Neo. Beide Chaetzli waren sehr neugierig, vor allem Pink.
Die holprigen Strassen waren fuer Michelle kein Genuss, Cale hat die Vibrationen des Autos aber sehr genossen. Der Nachmittag war sehr ruhig. Anne und Dan kamen noch kurz vorbei und wir haben auf unseren Familienzuwachs mit einer guten Flasche Champagner angestossen. Bilder folgen morgen. Papa ist muede.

Love, M, C & C

Friday, September 4, 2009


Heute hatte der kleine Cale bereits Besuch von einem Fotografen, Das Spital hat, natuerlich in der Hoffnung einige Bilder zu verkaufen, eine Fotografin vorbeigeschickt. Cale schien ganz in seinem Element, war hellwach und top fit.

Die Fotos sind auf folgender Webseite anzuschauen:

click on "view my photos"

password: 0902caledanielborner

Auch haben Mami und Papi heute das erste Mal Windeln mit Inhalt gewechselt. Alles hat ohne grosse Probleme funktioniert...

Morgen koennen Mami und Cale nach Hause. Papi, Pink und Neo freuen sich schon riesig.
Love, M&C&C

Photo Session

Cale is here and it's the most amazing thing in the world. The last 3 days have been unforgettable. Little Cale is perfect and we can't wait to bring him home tomorrow. We had a good day today. Both Mommy and Daddy got to change their first poo diapers, and Cale had a visit from a photographer, who took some beautiful pictures of him. You can see proofs (unfortunately all images have watermarks) on:

click on "view my photos"

password: 0902caledanielborner

Lots of love from the proudest daddy in the world..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 2 - Daddy's first pee shower

Cale, Mommy (and daddy) are doing really well. Cale is mostly eating and sleeping, cries a bit and eats more. Today daddy learned in practice what a "pee pee tee pee" is for. While changing his diaper, Cale felt lik3 daddy needs a pee shower and sprayed him all wet.. Well, guess that was not the last time.. better get used to it. Cale also had his first visitor. Our friend Robin came by and brought us a bunch of beautiful flowers.

Es geht uns allen gut. Mami war heute das erste Mal auf den Beinen und hat ein paar kleine Spaziergaenge gemacht. Daddy hatte seine erste (und sicher nicht letzte) Bisi-Dusche, und Cale hatte bereits seinen ersten Besucher. Unser Freund Robin kam kurz vorbei.

Cale is Born - Day 1 in his life

Liebe Familie und Freunde
Mit diesem Blog moechten wir Euch unser Leben, und vor allem natuerlich unseren Sonnenschein, Cale Daniel Borner, etwas naeher bringen und viele schoene Momente in Fotos mit Euch teilen.

Dear Friends and Family
With this blog we would like to bring our life a bit closer to you, especially since now we are the 3 of us, MC2, with the new arrival of our beautiful sunshine Cale Daniel Borner.

Day 1 of the blog is also Day 1 in Cale's life.. the first few impressions.. most of you have probably already seen these pictures.

Tag 1 diese Blogs ist auch Tag 1 im Leben von Cale. Hier die ersten Impressionen. die meisten von Euch haben diese Bilder sehr wahrscheinlich schon gesehen.

Hearing Cale's first cries was the most amaing thing that ever happened to us.