Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moving in with Danma and Danpa!

After the movers came and picked up all our belongings last Wednesday, we moved in with Danma and Danpa for the week. 4 adults, 2 cats and one baby in a 2 bedroom apartment made for an interesting week! Cale had lots of fun with Danma, and Danma made Mommy relax and do a few things for herself. Daddy was working in Chicago and setting up the new apartment (our furniture arrived on Monday) and Dan was traveling in Toronto.

Despite having his first cold, Cale was fully of gummy ear-to-ear smiles and little coos this week. He loves playing with his Danma and has also became an avid admirer of art. Whenever he is upset, Danma takes Cale into Danpa's office (where his desk has been converted into a changing table) and Cale immediately calms while staring at a colorful painting on the wall.

Cale loves playing on his playmat and staring at the mobile on his pram. He has also discovered his hand and enjoys stuffing the whole thing in his mouth and sucking away. He also likes getting fresh air (or, the closest thing to fresh in NYC ;-) so we went for long walks on the Long Island City waterfront everyday.

Cale had his first babysitting experiences this week...Danma spent time with Cale while Mommy had lunch with friends and went to yoga. Mommy and Daddy even had their first date night on Saturday! Next stop...Chicago! We leave tomorrow for a 14 hour drive from New York to Chicago. Wish us luck (calm cats and happy baby)!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Apartment Photo Shoot - unedited

Moving time

It's done, we moved out of our nice apartment in New York and will be on our way to Chicago in a few days. We are currently staying with Michelle's parents. Cale is enjoying having Danma around all the time and getting lots of attention. Everything is a bit improvised, Danpa's desk is the new changing table, the kitchen sink is Cale's new bathtub, it all works out pretty well. As you can see in some of the pictures, Halloween is just around the corner and Cale already has a few costumes to go with it.

Es ist vollbracht. Wir haben unsere Wohnung in New York am Mittwoch ausgeraeumt und werden in ein paar Tagen den Touareg vollpacken und in Richtung Chicago fahren. Momentan sind wir noch fuer ein paar Tage bei Michelle's Eltern. Cale geniesst die volle Aufmerksamkeit von Danma. Alles ist etwas improvisiert.. Danpa's Pult ist Cale's neuer Wickeltisch und seine Badewanne ist der Kitchensink..

Bis bald, die naechsten Bilder werden von unserer Karavane nach Chicago sein.

Love, MC2

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Move day is coming closer

We are 4 days away from our "move pack day", therefore our life is busier than ever. Swiss Grosi, Markus and Evelyne left on Saturday. It was sad to say goodbye but hopefully we will see each other again very soon. Yesterday we had some goodbye drinks with a few friends. Cale was out until 10pm and was an angel. He seemed to enjoy the attention he got from everybody.

Other than that, Cale had a visit from Danpa on Tuesday and we had a second visit from our friend Eddie, the photographer. This time, the shoot went much better. Cale was great, no crying. Maybe he has a career as a photo model after all. We will post these pictures soon.

Love, MC2


In 4 Tagen kommt das Zuegelteam unsere Sachen zusammen packen. Wir sind dementsprechend beschaeftigt, und unsere Wohnung sieht mittlerweile aus also ob eine Bombe eingeschlagen hat..

Swiss Grosi, Markus und Evelyne sind gestern abgereist. Es war traurig Abschied zu nehmen, aber wir hoffen, dass wir uns bald wiedersehen werden. Cale hatte letzte Woche auch besuch von Danpa und unserem Freund Eddie der Fotograf. Swiss Grosi hat sich bestens bewaehrt als Fotoassistent, en Reflektor gehalten und Cale motiviert.

Viele Gruesse

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eine anstrengende Woche

Diese Woche war viel los. Grosi ist zu Besuch aus der Schweiz, und Cale's Onkel Markus und seine Freundin Evelyne. Auch hatten wir Besuch von Robin.

Cale hat auch seine ersten beiden Nachtessen auswaerts mit Bravour bestanden. Er hat beide Male keinen Mucks gemacht.

Neo macht es sich ab und zu in Cale's Kinderwagen bequem. Zum Beweis haben wir diesmal ein Foto gemacht.

Weitere Highlights:

- Erstes Mal aus der Flasche getrunken (Milch, nicht Bier..)
- Das erste "echte" Lachen

und viele unvergessliche Momente, wie ein weiterer Besuch im Park mit Grosi.

Love, MC2

Week of achievements

I originally wanted to make this a daily blog.. probably underestimating the time involved in having a baby, preparing for a move, having visitors and working all at the same time. Sorry that the posts are not more frequent.

Anyway, this was a great week for Cale and the Borners. Swiss Grosi, Markus and Evelyne are still visiting and we are having a very good time all together. Grosi loves spending time with Cale and he likes to hang out with her.

What else were the highlights of last week:

- Cale got his first bottle feed tonight - Daddy did a pretty good job
- Cale is now 11lbs and 11oz, apparently he is in the 80th percentile. No idea where he got that from
- He also smiles for the first time today. Not one of the "oops, I just farted smiles", but a genuine happy smile
- Cale went out for dinner with the family twice this week. He was an angel, slept through the entire dinner

Many more, but daddy is too tired to write more. Here are some pictures